Matthias Jung
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Iván Eröd


A children's opera after the novel by Erich Kästner
Musik byIván Eröd / Libretto byThomas Höft
Suitable for children aged 6 and more / Duration approx. 65 mins. / In German language

Thu /
apr 24
StaatenHaus Saal 3 / 11:30 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. / Vorstellung / 22 €


The children's book "Pünktchen und Anton" by Erich Kästner has inspired many generations of young readers. The Austrian composer Iván Eröd has set the adventures of Pünktchen and Anton to music and, together with librettist Thomas Höft, has written a critical, yet entertaining, musically varied opera. The opera can play “any place where a few people have a lot of money and others who live a few streets away have very little".

Berlin 1931. Luise, known as Pünktchen (“Dotty”), grows up in a rich family, with a cook and a nanny. Pünktchen is friends with Anton, who has to secretly sell shoelaces at night to contribute to his sick mother's meagre household budget. By observing carefully and acting courageously, the friends prevent a criminal case involving the nanny and her shady fiancé Robert the Devil...


Musikalische Leitung Rainer Mühlbach / Inszenierung Brigitta Gillessen / Bühne & Kostüme Jens Kilian / Licht Philipp Wiechert /

Herr Pogge
Berta, Köchin
Gottfried Klepperbein
Kellner / Polizist / Passant