Join & Support

Love, hate, jealousy and dreams - opera has always been a place of passion!

With this passion, numerous artists and employees on and behind the stage shape the Cologne Opera together and make your visit to the opera an unforgettable emotional live experience!

Become a sponsoring partner of the Cologne Opera and contribute with your commitment to making musically and scenically outstanding opera experiences possible and to sustainably promoting the cultural life of Cologne.

Together, we develop customised partnerships that represent your company and your values by supporting special productions, the in-house children's opera, workshops, ensemble members or individual soloists of the Cologne Opera.

We would be happy to advise you personally.

Contact: Friederike von Wittich (
Tel. 0221 221-28936

Our Partners

  • Theme Partners

  • Cultural Partners

  • Deutschsprachige Opernkonferenz (DOK)


  • Public Supporters

  • Foundations

  • Friends of Cologne Opera

  • Board of Trustees of Cologne Opera

  • Supporting Childrens Opera


  • Excelsior Hotel Ernst

  • Unicef

  • KVB


Get involved in what is close to your heart.

Bank details:

Account holder: Bühnen der Stadt Köln
Bank: Sparkasse KölnBonn
IBAN: DE97 3705 0198 0012 8820 15

Reason for payment: Donation Opera Cologne or alternatively: Donation Children's Opera Cologne

We will be happy to issue you with a donation receipt for donations of 300.00 euros or more (up to this amount, the bank transfer or deposit slip is sufficient). 

Contact: Friederike von Wittich (
Tel. 0049 221- 221-28936