Bibiana Jiménez


Bibiana Jiménez, born in Bogotá, Colombia, studied psychology and dance. She danced for ten years as a soloist with the choreographic theatre Johann Kresnik, among others in Bogotá, at the Volksbühne Berlin, at the Salzburg Festival, at the Schauspielhannover and at the Bonn Opera. She has also danced for Reinhild Hoffmann in Graz as part of the European Capital of Culture and at the Ruhrtriennale, and for Susanne Linke in Bonn. She has shown her own choreographies in Germany at the Volksbühne Berlin, the Theater Bonn, the FWT Cologne, the Orangerie Theater, the Tanzfaktur and in Lünen, as well as in the Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Colombia and Italy. In 2009 she initiated an integrative dance theatre project with the International Women's Centre Bonn and showed the pieces developed in Mülheim a.d.R., Bremen, Bonn, Cologne and Stuttgart.
For drama, she developed choreographies for Irma Paulis at the Stadttheater Klagenfurt; for the Trikster Theatre Moscow at the Freie Werkstatttheater Cologne and for the Wehr51 at the Orangerie in Cologne. The pieces developed there, "Rockaby" and "Eigen Fleisch und Blut" - Part 2, were nominated for the SK Foundation's Cologne Dance Theatre Prize: "Rockaby" in 2015, "Eigen Fleisch und Blut" in 2017. In addition, "FRACTURA" was awarded the Kunstsalon Theatre Prize in 2021. In 2015, Bibiana founded her independent dance theatre company, XXTanzTheater, in Cologne. With XXTanzTheater, she creates socio-political dance theatre pieces and site-specific performances dedicated to the theme of 'women', as well as questioning and staging topical and relevant issues in society. She works experimentally and interdisciplinarily with professional dancers and artists. The disciplines and performers involved are consciously selected in relation to the themes, stories and performance venues.
With her company she has created pieces such as "XX Fortuna", "Kölsche Mädche", "heX-heX", "I am Farkhunda", "LUXX", "SUSANNA", etc. and realised the international cooperation projects "Sparkling Hubbles" and the dance film project "El Encanto de la Magdalena". Her choreographies "XX Fortuna" - first part of the "XX Trilogy" 2016 and "I am Farkhunda" 2017 were each nominated for the Cologne Dance Theatre Prize of the SK Foundation. In 2020 she was awarded the Cologne Dance Theatre Prize of the SK Stiftung Kultur with her piece "Das eXXperiment" and in 2021 with "MISS GYNÉ".


Past events